Wiper Delete Kit for 350Z
The Glasplug will allow you to remove the washer nozzle from the tailgate of your 350Z. Replacement only takes 5 minutes for a perfect result.
This item includes:
-a Glasplug
-adjustment wedges
-a nut
-a washer
The adjustment wedges will allow you to adjust the height of the Glasplug so that it is flush with the window.
The Wiperplug will allow you to cleanly plug the wiper hole on your 350Z. This cap is available in several colors (WV2, KYO, B17, A17, KH3, K51, BW5, G41, A53 and E33) or in an unpainted version (Gross).
Warning: the thread of the wiperplug is fragile, do not tighten too hard.
This item includes:
-a plug
-a seal
-a washer
-a nut
Wiper Delete Kit for 350Z